
  • “The Reverend Patty Truman is a walker in the heights and the depths of the human experience. In her work and travels, we enter realms of mind and soul that show us that, indeed, the human heart can go to the lengths of God.”

    — Jean Houston, Ph.D.

    “Patricia takes us on a magical journey of the heart, awakening us with the beauty of her words. She enlivens us with her mystical compendium of life’s journey as she leads us into the pathway of the heart.

    She brings to our lives a true gift of the power of love and healing in her poems that awaken our hearts to the beauty of who we are.”

    — Finbarr Ross

  • “Reverend Patricia and I have traveled on our spiritual and physical journey together for the past twenty-five-plus years. Together we have visited many sacred and beautiful places—India, Thailand, Russia, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and many more.

    Patty always has her eyes, mind, and heart open to the beauty and the wisdom gleaned from each destination, and that is reflected in her sacred and deep-feeling poetry.

    She writes straight from a well of love, compassion, and respect for our precious planet and all creatures who dwell upon it, be it human or animal. Her poetry is a thing of beauty and is in rhythm with the entire Universe.”

    — Reverend Judee A. Chapman

  • “Patricia Truman doesn’t just write from her heart but from her very soul. In a world fraught with busyness, her words remind us of what is truly essential.”

    — Jean Hastings Ardell

    “Reverend Patricia Truman reflects the soulful genre and lyrical prose of the Emerald Isles with a true embrace of her ancestral roots.”

    — C. Ann Garrick

  • “I often read and ponder your wonderful works. It struck me that everyone from all walks of life can connect and be touched by your experiences and the powerful emotions written in each poem.

    This poetry radiates with great thought of the present, past, and future. Sharing with your readers your personal life experiences allows each person to think and connect to your most powerful universal words. A genius work of art!”

    — Lord Ricki Landers Friedlander

  • “I have known Patty Truman for forty years, and I have read her poetic writings with amazement.

    She has a gift. She sits down and writes, and the words just come naturally. This book is not a product of academic instruction but a product of her own style. I am pleased that with its publication, all may enjoy her gifts.”

    — John Blick, Blick Industries

  • “In a free-form writing style that uniquely creates its own journey, Patty Truman unveils a peripatetic soul, both consciously and subliminally, that connects the steps of her feet to the beats of her heart to the personal yet universal thoughts of her mind.

    With every step, she creates a lyrical rhythm of compassionate wisdom and insight, reminding us to take pause, take note, and appreciate the connection of the natural world to the human spirit and the divinity that drives us onward.”

    — Tammy Lechner

  • “Patty Truman’s words flow from her heart and soul. Each poem is an inspiration and a reflection of her sacred journeys, each inviting the reader to glimpse the mystical. Her strong connection to nature and her deep love and respect for Mother Earth are ever present.

    Reading this poetry will ignite your senses and guide you deeper within, as your own soul journey unfolds. For the past twenty years, it has been a great joy to have championed Patty to continue writing and now publish her first book of poetry.”

    — Loma Devine

  • “Patricia Truman’s sustained spiritual practice manifested this profound volume of poetry, Mystic Cloud Walker. A Science of Mind practitioner and ordained minister, Rev. Truman allows the One Mind to flow through her into the passages on the page.

    You will indeed find Divine inspiration here, for it channels through her. You will also discover that the One Mind has a social consciousness and physical tenderness and yearning.

    Her poetry is an invitation not to just walk one mile in her moccasins, but to travel the world with her to visit sacred sites in walking shoes, to don sturdy hiking boots to tackle challenging terrain, to strap on sandals to traverse the warm sand, to dip bare toes in the ocean, to cultivate the garden in sneakers, and to sizzle on stage in stilettos.

    This may prove to be a rediscovery of the natural and the familiar, of beauty surrounding you that you have ceased to see, of an inner urging to transcend and commune with the Infinite. Please accept this invitation to join this journey of a lifetime with this amazing poet.”

    — Adrian S. Windsor, Ph.D.

  • “What you hold in your hands is a modern-day mystic’s contemplation of the nature of life and your part in it. Searching, deeply moving into the intimate spaces within heart and mind, Patricia Truman leads the way.

    Sometimes playful but always personal, the poet evokes images of a searcher, a walker through the journey of life, using the theme that the walker determines her own path, exploring the depths and heights and breadths of human consciousness.

    The book examines the concept that every individual creates their own life, moment by moment, by the choices made. She makes clear that the wanderer’s path is sacred, containing portals and passages for each of us to glimpse the mystical. Every chapter focuses on an aspect of life.

    From the first page, the reader is invited to see life through the eyes of the Divine. This book of poetry is one to be read slowly and pondered. It is deeply evocative, providing lush images that impel the reader to question assumptions and look more deeply at life.

    Deeply mystical, it whispers; it doesn’t shout. It playfully prods and pokes. This is an exploration of consciousness, asking if there is a divine plan to follow and then answering that it seems so.

    Patricia writes:

    For where my little will

    bows to a wiser will

    and my true identity, more clearly

    comes forth,

    and I more easily relax into a larger, wiser

    unnamed prompting from the unseen,

    but deeply felt

    Eternal Authority.

    Walk mindfully and savor this treasure.”

    — Rev. Dr. Heather Dawn Clark